Well, after being in continuous transit for essentially 48 hours, and transferring through four different airports and long plane rides, my parents and I finally made it to the Santiago de Compostela airport this afternoon, Spanish time. We settled into the familiar, and homey European ways that I have been missing; yes, I have even missed the perpetually smokey smell of the streets that never really washes out of clothes, lungs, or memories.
We decided to have a snack at the airport, before taking a taxi to meet up with our El Camino tour group:
Above is a slice of "torta de Santiago" which is a cake made of almonds. It is a specialty in this area and it was delicious! We also had some yogurt, which came in tiny glass jars.
Here are some photos of our few minutes of exploring Santiago de Compostela from on top of a hill:
We took an hour and a half long taxi ride to Sarria, which is where we will be beginning our 100 kilometer walk. Our first day on the pilgrimage is tomorrow! I am both excited and nervous. The drive from Santiago de Compostela to Sarria really showed me just how long we will be walking in the next five days.
Sarria was a lovely little town with very few people in it. We explored just a little bit and had a great fish dinner all together. It was important for us to get back to our hotel early in order to rest up for the long and challenging day that we are sure to have tomorrow! On top of walking around 15 kilometers, we will be battling severe jet lag!
Wish me luck!
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