Friday, June 29, 2012

Fashion Friday!

Alright, so I cheated a little bit... this is just a dress with a belt. I didn't have enough time or patience to do the real fashion Friday thing today. But this is just a great idea for a date!

I love getting dressed up and going out. I put on my cute little dress, some lipstick, grab my purse and head out for a nice time. I bought this dress for around $15. It's a little big because it's a medium... but with the belt it is just right! It also makes it cute-iful! I would wear my brown flats with this outfit and a short, simple necklace. It has 3/4 sleeves, so I wouldn't wear many bracelets either.
This is a photo of me actually on a date ;)
This was from february break I believe... Alex and I planned a night for a special fancy dinner date... after not seeing eachother for a month or two.
I think we're darn cute....