Friday, November 15, 2013

Fashion Friday: 11/15/13 

(Please excuse my awkwardness)
 Ahem, RAWR. 
So my boyfriend and I were discussing over text message, whether the animal that is cross stitched onto my sweater is a cheetah or a leopard... I vote leopard, but either way, it is fierce and cuddly at the same time.  
It is fall and Maryland weather drives me crazy. I love days like today when it is just above 50 degrees. It is just chilly enough to have to wear a sweater and maybe a light jacket or a vest and either flats like mine or boots are valid footwear options. I thoroughly relish in sweater weather. 
Winter weather is quickly approaching and I'm not all about that just yet. I'm going to miss the bright Autumn colors and leaves that litter my campus and surroundings. Watching the trees change colors and lose their leaves from day to day will never not impress me.

I just recently bought this sweater on a whim at PacSun and the vest, which is my new favorite Fall item, is from the Ralph Lauren Outlet store by my house. Here is a similar one that I was able to find online (But I bought mine for much cheaper). 
Today, one of my peers told me that she liked my eclectic style and I have found that I'm just really not good at accepting compliments. 
My response: "ehhhhhhhh" followed by some mumbled thank yous.
Go ahead and enjoy this rift that I found in a parking lot:

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh welcome back to posting! Definitely a leopard.

    Alex @ Radiating Sunshine
