Though I could write an entire novel on the different life experiences I have gained from one year, I have cut it down to just 20 tidbits:
- Seeing friends and making plans require a lot of effort
- Paying rent hurts, but having a place of my own (that I pay for myself) is one of the best feelings in the world
- Having great coworkers makes going to work a lot easier
- I love baking
- Having good friends is the biggest blessing
- Not dating anyone is far better than dating the wrong person
- Spotify premium (at the student rate) may be a necessity
- Having a good landlord is truly a blessing
- Having annoying neighbors is just something that happens and there's not much you can do
- Going out every weekend is overrated and expensive
- I like cats! (I've never had a pet before this year)
- Budgeting is hard
- Grad school is not any easier than undergrad for the most part
- Paying off your credit card every month is hard
- Having a washer and dryer in my apartment is the biggest luxury ever
- I do quite well on my own
- Going to the grocery store can be turned into a weekend plan that you look forward to
- "Making dinner" doesn't happen every night
- You must make time for the things you actually enjoy doing
- Driving 40+ minutes to do something fun is normal
I daresay I have learned more about the working world, humanity and myself in one year of post graduate living, than in four years of undergrad! This year has definitely been one to shape me and make me even better than I was 365 days ago.
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